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Post-baby Body Love, by Marni Sclaroff

I hear so many women speak about how they want their “pre-baby body back”, after they’ve been pregnant and have given birth. I often think about this and I’d like to share my perspective in case it is useful for anyone. I am pretty sure that you will never ever get your pre baby body back.


That body no longer exists, unless you’ve figured out a way to time travel.
Marni and twins
Pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, and raising kids are part of the most radical kind of transformation that can happen to a woman. We transform on every level. Our bodies become different bodies, our lives become different lives. You are never who you were yesterday. This is perfect, and it’s true. You can still be healthy, gorgeous, sexy, strong, etc. after having kids, but you will never be who you were before.

My body has changed dramatically. I am actually stronger than I’ve ever been in my whole life. My arms are especially strong. My belly is softer and boobs are smaller. I had a c-section and my abs split in half from carrying two big babies. I’m still healing from that, and I’m guessing that the process of healing will continue for a long time.


Marni & her girlMy yoga practice has changed completely. It’s more efficient, more true, and more deep. I care more about being strong and lined up, then being bendy. I care more about how my practice is serving my life rather than the other way around. This new body is filled with the wisdom of the mother, and I am grateful for that. It is a mature body that has been reorganized, reoriented, and reclaimed in a way that serves my life as a mom. I am grateful for that.
I want to share this with you because I see so many women hating on their bodies, and I think that letting go of this crazy idea that you will ever be who you were before can be a great place of refuge. It might be the beginning of your new love affair with your precious and beautiful body that holds all the wisdom of your life for you.



Marni Sclaroff
Marni Sclaroff, MAT, E-RYT 500 is an artist, writer, yoga teacher and a mama of twins. She leads yoga classes, retreats and workshops that inspire people to wake up to the magic that is present in every moment of their lives. With detailed alignment cues, a supportive and playful atmosphere and stories woven into each practice; her classes are like guided tours into the shining magnificence of our human experience.  She has devoted her entire life to deepening her understanding of yoga, and all of the ways in which it can serve to uplift and inspire our lives. She is dedicated to radically loving our bodies, and living our lives with passion and authenticity.  She especially loves to share her contemplations on life and motherhood on social media and on her wesbite.  Learn more:

4 Responses to “Post-baby Body Love, by Marni Sclaroff”

  1. April says:

    I needed to read this. This has been a struggle of mine after having my first child last year. I was a yogi before getting pregnant and am just now getting back in the studio. I’m learning to accept my new form and embrace it. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Marni says:

    Thank you so much for reading, Isabelle and Melissa! I feel that we need to keep reminding each other of our natural beauty and gifts.

  3. Isabelle says:

    Just like the lines we get on our face, love the change we experience in our bodies as we age, birth, and grow!
    Life is beautiful! Thanks for reminding us of this! xxxxx

  4. Melissa says:

    Beautifully written, Marni! Thanks for putting this out there, especially in a time where augmentation is a norm to sculpt our physiques to where they were in our 20’s. Its not realistic. Thank you for highlighting the beauty in change & growth.

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