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Berritastic Smoothie, by Jackie Dominas

Another week has past and the weather in Atlanta is heating up. They don’t call it Hotlanta for nothing.

Tell me, what’s the first thing you eat or drink in the morning to break your fast (get it break – fast?)

Nothing can lead to major carb cravings from 3-4pm.

Donuts and sugary cereal (both hot and cold) can leave you feeling blah in less than 2 hours.

Try this:

Dear Body,

What would make you feel better?

Acid, dehydrating coffee and a nutrient void, refined bagel with processed cream cheese.


Fresh fruit, hydrating coconut water, energy boosting swiss chard, and chia seeds bursting with omega-3s, fiber, and protein rich.

Remember the letter is to your body not your mind. The second choice might sound like a strange mix of ingredients but trust me it’s delicious.

Green smoothies in the morning can boost your energy, decrease your weight, and make you happy. Experiment with a green smoothie a day for one week and tune into how you feel.

While visiting Columbus last week, I whipped up this Berritastic Smoothie for my mom, who loved it.

Berritastic Smoothie

Berritastic Smoothie

Serves 1

• Unsweetened coconut water
• 1 cup blueberries
• 3 strawberries
• 2 TB chia seeds
• ½-1 cup swiss chard (if you new to swiss chard start with 1/4 cup since it’s bitter. You can also do 1/4 cup swiss chard, 1/4 cup mixed greens or other green of choice)

In blender or vitamix layer liquid, chia seeds, greens, blueberries, strawberries and then blend.

Try the Berritastic Smoothie this week and report back. How did it make you feel?

Do you have a favorite summer time green smoothie, please share in the comments section below? I’d love to try the recipe.

Jackie DominasJackie Dominas has supported hundreds of overweight, undernourished, and lethargic people in turning their health around, so they can live active, happy and healthy lives. Including herself! Before Jackie became the wellness guru you will come to know and love, she navigated through her own set of health issues: hypoglycemia, hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, constipation and adrenal fatigue. Despite daily exercise routine and obsessive “healthy” eating habits, her body wasn’t responding. She was exhausted, depressed, and hungry – plus 20 pounds overweight!
By slowing down and tuning in, Jackie was able to heal without medication. Embracing meditation and yoga, plus, whole foods my body and mind transformed. Piece by piece and bite by bite, she reconnected to her body by listening to it’s signals. Jackie a Registered Dietitian and Certified Holistic Health Coach. She also has over 1000 hours of yoga teacher training and has been a Personal Trainer for the past 8 years. For more information, please visit Embrace WellBeing.

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