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6 Awesome Yoga Blogs

I recently realized how many yoga blogs I read, and it inspired me to give you all a round-up of some other great yoga blogs out there. I hope you bookmark some of these, and that they become sources of inspiration, education, anyoga blogd entertainment to you! I guarantee that there is a blog community out there for everyone!

  1. YogaDork

    The biggest, most popular yoga blog on the block with yoga news, celebrity yogi sightings, trends, pop culture, all mixed with wit and wisdom. Posts like, “John Friend to Open Magic Kingdom of Anusaraland” and “Your Brain on Yoga: Neuroscience Shows Meditation Positively Changes Your Brain.”

  2. Y is for Yogini

    Serious wit, humor and commentary on life as a modern yogini. Posts like, “10 Ways I’m Un-yogic and Don’t Give a #%$!” and “10 Yoga Poses to Strike for Love.”

  3. Teachasana

    The newest yoga blog on the block, obviously, for teachers! Posts include, Your 200-Hr Teacher Training Ends Soon, Now What?

  4. Think Body Electric

    The intellectual yoga guide. Posts like, Yoga in the Age of Anxiety: Sowing the Seeds of Transformative Possibility and Magic.

  5. Yoganonymous

    The “Atlanta Yoga Scene” of the country. All the biggest name events and teachers, culture, travel, etc. Posts like, Chris Calarco Launches ‘Yoga Groove’ Combining Music & Yoga to Help you Get Down!

  6. Recovering Yogi

    A refuge of the disenfranchised yogi. Extreme hilarity abounds with posts like “Words we Loathe and Abhor” and “I hate Yoga Journal.”

Hope you have fun today perusing some awesome yoga blogs!

12 Responses to “6 Awesome Yoga Blogs”

  1. Tiffany says:

    Thank you for sharing this post! I think yoga is a great way to release tension, according to my own feng shui master.

  2. Miki says:

    Great list…though Elephant Journal could have been another..and Yoganonymous…can you make this a list of 8?? And add my day!

  3. a little {fashionably, i like to think} late to the party, but i love you guys! pleased as punch to be included here and supremely humbled. much love, sass, + yoga your way. holla! 😀

  4. Dale kelley says:

    found out about yoga thru P90X now i’m sold on it. i’ve pumped heavy iron for 25 years. well at 50 years old. carring around 255 lbs was to heavy on my joints.i think Yoga X is the best part of P90x. i’ve lost 40 lbs and can now do 33 mjinutes of yoga. Like the clothing too. any unisex outfit out there. yes i can still squat 300 lbs and bench 250 lbs but the Yoga has made me more flaexible and content . i’m am no longer seeking freaky size but a balnace for my boby and my life. hope to connect soon!

  5. lisa says:

    OOPS…Yoganonymous IS on the list…mea culpa…ok, edit my last comment to 7…

  6. lisa says:

    Great list…though Elephant Journal could have been another..and Yoganonymous…can you make this a list of 8?? And add my day!

    Thanks for the info and all your service to the local Atlanta Yoga community!!
    Lisa Cohen (Pranalisa Yoga in Decatur…would love to be in your directory!! I also teach at Ember Yoga by the way…as well as the other locations mentioned in your directory)

  7. yogadork says:

    hey thanks so much!
    great list 🙂

  8. Kristen says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey thanks so much for mentioning Recovering Yogi! Can we send you some of our stickers? Email me your address…

  10. What a great list! Thanks for sharing Teachasana!

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